Monday, January 12, 2009

Interesting news

One of the books I edited for Spinetingler's last summer, The Second Tour, has been chosen as a text for Sociology classes at the United States Air Force Academy this coming semester. Wow!

I'm gimping around these days -- a severe (worst I've ever had) leg cramp (doctor called it a muscle spasm) resulted in a torn muscle in my calf. I spent all weekend on muscle relaxants, but it'll be a while before the tear heals. I love it -- 8 years in martial arts with no major injuries, but a leg cramp while watching TV puts me on a cane for the foreseeable future. So much for my plans to add a new exercise routine to my weight loss program.

Speaking of weight loss, I didn't gain nearly as much as I expected to over the holidays. That's no excuse, I know, but still, not gaining is still a good thing. I intend to get back onto my Weight Watchers program, hoping to lose another 50 or so pounds this year. Then again, not regaining the weight would be ok. (I don't want to sabotage myself by setting unreachable goals.)

The brochure for the Arkansas Writers Conference came last week, with the prompts for their contests. Once my head is clear (muscle relaxants do that) I'll see about entering one or some of them. I will be attending, needless to say.

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