Thursday, July 19, 2007


Can't live with them; can't live without them.

You don't really want to get me started about computers.

It was bad enough that I was using Jeanie's cast-off laptop (screen no longer worked) with my monitor, mouse, and keyboard attached. Then the mouse quit, so I went back to using the laptop keyboard (which I HATE). Then the power supply to the laptop broke, and unless I can get the battery recharged, it's dead, Jim.

So now Stuart and I are sharing a computer. Not only is it a logistics nightmare, I'm having to deal with his choice of virus protection and browser (for some reason Internet Explorer won't work on this computer). Also, though it has a clock speed of something over a gigahertz, programs load like it was an old 386 running DOS 5.1 and Doublespace (been there; done that).

So... what else could go wrong? Now the screen on this computer has lapsed into a coma (though it occasionally wakes up) so we're back to plugging in my monitor.

Fun? Not.

But we deal with it... we couldn't get along without a computer and internet access...

So if I seem lax in posting, or updating my websites, there's my excuse.

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